Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Initial Ideas on Text Set

Well as I've been thinking more and more about my text set, I realize that I may want to do something on the issue of immigration. It's a huge issue in the community that I work in. I work in a very diverse neighborhood of Washington, DC and a lot of the students here are children of immigrant parents. Often the parents are here illegally and their immigration status often is a hot-button issue to the children. We've been discussing the election process in our class and my children are really interested in the issues of education and immigration. I think it would be powerful if we could do images of our neighborhood so that we could really see the diverse neighborhood we live in. It would also be very powerful if we could put a face to those people directly affected by immigration laws and policies.

1 comment:

MV said...

Sounds like a great beginning. Have you thought about which texts to include?
